


主持人|國立臺灣師範大學資訊工程學系 李忠謀特聘教授兼副校長
現職為國立臺灣師範大學副校長、資訊工程系特聘教授。畢業於美國密西根州州立大學資訊科 學與工程系(碩士、博士),學術專長為影像處理與電腦視覺。曾獲師大第一屆傑出教學獎、 多次產學合作績優獎、ACM ICPC傑出貢獻獎等。目前著力於推動K-12及大學生運算思維與程 式設計學習,以提昇學生專題製作、科展與程式競賽的能量與品質。目前亦擔任國際資訊奧林 匹亞競賽主席。

講題 |資訊教育背景下的運算思維探索
Exploring Computational Thinking in the Context of Computing

Despite an intensive research history of around fifteen years in Computational Thinking (CT) field, researchers have not reached a consensus on the definition of CT. That is why researchers elaborate on various CT definitions depending on their investigations and hold different perspectives when applying, interpreting, and assessing the proposed CT concepts.

CT involves solving problems, abstract thinking, designing systems, and understanding human behavior by drawing on the fundamental concepts of Computer Science (CS), Informatics or Computing. CT encompasses a wide range of mental processes, which are considered necessary supplies for the 21st century children. However, despite the wide attention that CT has received, there is still limited strategies that can promote the acquisition and development of such skills. CT skills incorporate analytical thinking, engineering thinking, and scientific thinking. Thus, they could be positioned as a kind of universal skills for the modern student, and this is especially true for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education.

CT provides a powerful framework for studying computing, with wide application beyond computing itself. It is the process of recognising aspects of computation in the world that surrounds us and applying tools and techniques from computing to understand and reason about natural, social and artificial systems and processes. It allows students to tackle problems, to break them down into solvable chunks and to devise algorithms to solve them.

The worldwide Bebras challenge on Informatics and CT is discussed as an example of connecting formal and non-formal CS education by using thousands of tasks based on computing concepts and applying problem solving strategies. The main goal of the Bebras challenge is to motivate students to be interested in CS topics and to promote thinking which is algorithmic, logical, operational, and based on informatics fundamentals.


主講人|Prof. Dr. Valentina Dagienė, Vilnius University, Lithuania
(立陶宛維爾紐斯大學 瓦倫蒂娜‧達吉恩教授)

Valentina Dagienė is Professor at Vilnius University in Lithuania. Her interests include CS teaching and learning strategies, development of computational thinking, teacher education, puzzle-based learning, intelligent technologies for education, technology enhanced learning, personalisation, and CS curricula development. She has published over 300 scientific papers, and more than 50 textbooks in the field of CS education for schools. She coordinated over 50 national and international projects in connection to CS education.

She has been working in various expert groups and work groups, organizing contests in informatics, chairing conferences and workshops, and she is engaged in research on computational thinking education. In 2004 she established the International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking “Bebras” which runs in more than 60 countries (http://bebras.org). V. Dagiene is Editor of two international journals “Informatics in Education“ (since 2002) and “Olympiads in Informatics” (since 2007). She is acknowledged by honorary gold medal for contributions to school informatics in Europe established by ETH (Zurich, Switzerland, 2011), Ada Lovelace Computing Excellence Award by the European Commission´s (2016), and the Presidential Award of the Cross of the Knight of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas (2016).
